Years ago I used to collect the small Every Day Food digest mags from the supermarket. Not all of them, but the ones that had enough interesting content to justify the purchase.
And in their March 2009 issue, they introduced their cast iron skillet dessert called Warm Berries ‘N’ Dumplings as well as the this scrumptious Dutch Blueberry Pancake, and they went hand-in-hand with Martha’s version of the classic, Blueberry Grunt. I have been drooling ever since. I always say I’m going to make each of these desserts during blueberry season, but I never do.
This year I will! Will you? (I know Dr. Maggie will. :-))
(All pictures and recipes are courtesy of MSL.)
I made the warm berries and dumplings, excellent and so easy. If I can do it anyone can. I use just blueberries.
Who did you share it with? (As if! LOL)